Friday, February 15, 2008

An Uneventful Week

I am addicted to reading everyones blogs. They are all so funny and entertaining! So I am intimidated to write because I know that mine aren't going to be that funny. Ok I have proclaimed my fear of the blogging world. Now I have to get over it and move on.

Like I said in my previous post I have been planning a fundraiser for school. Well it happened on Saturday and was a great success. We raised just under $1700!!! We averaged everything out and we had at least 180 little girls come through to be made up into princesses. I started with 30 crowns at 10am and they were gone by 10:30! It was nuts. So that was my victory for the month. (you can see pics on my friend Stephanie Mitchells blog)

Well in all of the stress of organizing a fundraiser in less than two weeks I got sick. Sunday morning I woke up with a fever, congestion...the works. We went to the doctors and I found out that I had caught bronchitis. So I had been cooped up in my room with not much to do. But I finally began to feel well again so I decided to go to school. BIG MISTAKE. I, out of all the girls in school, got a client with thick hair to her butt. Now the length of hair is important. My ticket said "all over color." My heart sank as she explained that she wanted us to go through the weave that had been done on her head and recolor the browns that were ruined by the previous
stylist she had gone to. This is such a tedious job. I had to go through at a little smaller than 1/4in sections and then slice off that and weave out the discolored browns. Once I got that far I had to place the foil beneath it, paint the color on and make a packet. Well I started getting really hot and sick again and had to leave my client and go home. If only I had had a cut or scalp treatment! But let me just tell you out of love to all of you who get weaves...DON"T! There are other ways of achieving that natural look, and they take half the time! And to my sisters, I will never do a weaves for you there is way too much hair on all of your heads.

Oh I have to say that Vance took great care of me. And Loralee thanks for such a cute blog!


Anonymous said... what can I do with my hair?

Brandon said...

haha, so i had to throw in a disclaimer, just in case no one reads ours! and you didn't get me sick. i just thought i'd tease you since we got sick around the same time. coincidence? i think so! i'm pretty sure mine was just a little cold. i already feel better. so we'll have to hang out!

*Stephanie Lance* said...

holy cow julianne your blog is SO dang cute!!!! I hope you're feeling better! i was thinkin about you all day yesterday!!! hope to see you tuesday!!!!

Rondo Family said...

Julianne your blog is so cute! I didn't know that you finally gave in to the bolggin world?! How exciting. I'm totally bummed that you got sick, not fun at all! And way to go on your fundraiser! That is so awesome. What a relief to have all your hard work pay off. So guess what? We finally got into those apartments! Yay. We moved this weekend. I really need to call you and get updated on the rest of your life... at least now we have blogging. that helps a little:) xoxoxo