TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE apartment that we had been living in for over the past year and a few months!!!!! Let me just clarify that the apartment may not have been SO bad if we did not have CRAZY (and that is an understatement) landlords. We have some big thanks to the amazing people who helped us move, clean, and the Vance's amazing parents who are letting us store pretty much all of our stuff in their house. Vance keeps reminding me that before he was married he could fit his life in the back of his jeep. I however feel that is an extreme exaggeration. For example his large and smelly ice hockey bag already takes up that backseat for the most part...
So anyway I haven't blogged in a long time, what's new? Vance and I are done with school!!! Christmas week was hectic with moving and family events. The snowstorms didn't help out the situation at all. I am pretty sure that we pick the WORST weeks to move. But we did it. Of course the day we were done with everything the snow decided to melt and the sun was out the whole time. Christmas eve and Christmas day was spent with The Bowmans and friends. It was great to spend time with everyone before we headed out.
We are now currently in Orem, UT. We arrived late last night and are staying with my wonderful parents. It is funny how they finally end up close to us and we are going to be moving further away. So we are going to enjoy the time relaxing, Vance will be interviewing, and helping around the house. Here are the potential areas that we may end up in : Dallas, TX Albany, NY Wichita, KS Seattle, WA Roy, UT. Vance has been given an offer from the company in Texas but he still has to fly out to New York and Kansas. So he is waiting for his on site interviews before making any decisions. The holidays have also slowed down the hiring process. We are hoping to know where we are going or be there by the end of Jan. Once Vance and I have made a decision on where we will be going I will then get my license to I can begin working!!! We are excited for what is to come.
Love you all!!! I tried to put the pictures on the bottom...